Maximizing Your Solar Season – A Guide

Many homeowners must realize that the daily peak sun hours vary throughout the year. These variations can impact how much energy a solar system produces.

It is especially true during winter. Follow these simple tips to maximize your home efficiency.

Keep Your Roof Clear

Many people are shocked to hear that the solar season in Colorado offers a lot of sunny days each year in a state known for its icy mountains. Utilizing this sunshine with a rooftop solar energy system can help you save money by lowering your electricity costs.

However, the quality of your solar panel installation can affect how much your home produces and how well it performs over time. Shopping around and talking to multiple contractors before making a final decision is vital.

Cleaning your solar panels should be easy but could require some special tools and equipment. Keep your roof free of trash or obstructions. A dirty or obstructed solar panel can lower your production levels by up to 25 percent. Your solar panels should be positioned in a south-facing area, but east and west-facing systems can work.

Keep Your Thermostat at 68 Degrees

The temperature you set on your thermostat during the winter is essential, and 68 degrees is the optimal balance between comfort and energy savings. According to ENERGY STAR, setting your thermostat at this temperature at night and when you are away for the day can save up to 10 percent on your heating bill a year.

A cooler indoor temperature also means your home loses heat slower, so you can stay comfortably warm with less energy consumption. This can help lower your electricity bill in addition to your heating bills.

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Similarly, the tilt of your solar panels is also crucial in how much power they produce. At a time when the sun is highest above the horizon in the summer, the inclination should be more significant; however, when it is lower in the sky in the spring, fall, and winter, it should be less so.

Install Solar Panels

Many homeowners install solar panels in Littleton, CO, to reduce energy costs and increase home value. Electricity prices can spike due to extreme weather, and a solar array protects against these fluctuations. It’s possible to recoup the cost of your system in just a few years and enjoy long-term savings on your energy bill.

The Centennial State has excellent solar incentives and rebates for residents who go green. For instance, the state offers a sales and use tax exemption and property tax exemption for renewable energy equipment. In addition, customers can save through net metering, which allows them to sell excess energy back to the grid for credits for future electricity bills.

There are various ways to install residential solar power systems, including purchasing your system or leasing one through a PPA agreement with a local company. A professional can help you find the right solar energy solution for your Colorado home.

Insulate Your Attic

Insulation is among the easiest and least expensive home energy improvements. It prevents cooled air from escaping through your roof during the summer and heated air from seeping into your home in the winter, saving you up to 50% on energy costs.

Proper insulation also helps you avoid the annoying temperature fluctuations between the different rooms in your house. Poor attic insulation causes your AC to work overtime to maintain an even temperature, which leads to higher energy costs and wear and tear on your HVAC unit.

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Radiant barrier and blown-in fiberglass insulation are the two primary varieties. Blown-in fiberglass is a good choice for most climate zones, as it is affordable and effective. Radiant barriers are a more expensive option, but they can reduce the risk of ice dams and slow snow flow on your roof.