The Health Impacts of Untreated Water – Why You Need a Filtration System

Water filtration systems remove harmful substances from your water supply. It also improves the taste and health of your family’s food, skin and hair. Drinking untreated water can lead to gastrointestinal illnesses such as diarrhea and cholera. It can also cause other health conditions like cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Harmful Bacteria

Many different germs, parasites and toxic chemicals can pollute water. These contaminants can cause diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. Poor water and sanitation are the leading cause of diarrhoeal disease worldwide, affecting over 2 billion people. Microbial contamination occurs when harmful microbes enter the water supply through human or animal feces, pesticides, fertilizers, industrial pollutants, natural disasters, or sewage leaks. Water contamination can also occur from heavy rainfall, floods, or snow melt, causing contaminated run-off into lakes, streams, or rivers.

In addition to gastrointestinal illnesses, contaminant exposure may impact the immune system and lead to other health effects, including cancer or nervous system disorders. The water filtration system Tampa can help reduce these risks and make you more healthy. The first stage of a water filtration system removes larger particles like sediment from your home’s tap water.

Harmful Microorganisms

Water contaminated with harmful microorganisms can cause serious health issues. These microorganisms include bacteria, protozoa, and parasites that can affect the stomach, digestive tract, lungs, skin, and immune system. Some of these organisms can lead to life-threatening illnesses such as cholera and other diseases. Human and animal waste from sewage, septic systems, and agricultural run-off can carry pathogens into drinking water sources. These contaminants can also contribute to the spread of diseases such as hepatitis A and hepatitis E.

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The contaminated water supply in Camp Lejeune resulted in various health problems, including skin irritations and respiratory illnesses. A water filtration system can eliminate these harmful microorganisms from your home’s drinking water. It helps stop future contamination problems and significantly raises the quality of your water.

Harmful Fluoride

Access to clean water is now a human right, but contaminated water continues to pose serious health threats worldwide. Untreated water contains dangerous microbes that can cause cholera, dysentery, and parasitic worms like Giardia and Cryptosporidia, which cause diarrhea.

In addition to removing contaminants, bacteria, chemicals and minerals, a water filter also prevents premature wear down of your appliances by removing unwanted mineral deposits and chemicals. It includes the harmful metals chlorine, disinfection byproducts and lead, toxins, and heavy metals.

Filtering your drinking water can improve its smell, taste and health. It can also help maintain the life of your washing machine and showerheads by preventing the buildup of scale, calcium, and magnesium. It is also helpful for your hair and skin, as it removes the unhealthy chemicals that can cause dullness and dryness.

Harmful Chemicals

Water filtration systems clean the water in your house by removing dangerous substances like chlorine. It’s important for individuals who suffer from skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema, who can experience irritation and outbreaks when exposed to certain contaminants in water. Chemical pollutants in drinking water come from a variety of sources. Organic solvents, petroleum products, pesticides, and fertilizers can leach into lakes and streams from disposal or storage sites or percolate into aquifers.

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In addition, perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)—used to make nonstick pans, stain-protectants, and firefighting foams—are becoming more common in groundwater, posing health risks to everyone, particularly children and older people. PFAS have been linked to cancer, thyroid problems, immune system suppression and more. The best water filtration systems remove these toxins from your drinking water.

Harmful Minerals

Several harmful minerals, including arsenic and lead, can contaminate water. These toxic metals can cause gastrointestinal illnesses, nervous system damage, anemia and chronic diseases. Septic system leaks, chemical and oil spills, and unlawful dumping are just a few causes of contaminated water. It can also result from natural conditions like groundwater movement or water run-off. Chlorine used to disinfect drinking water can also create toxic byproducts called trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids that increase the risk of cancer, kidney problems and nervous system disorders in infants. High nitrate and nitrite levels can cause methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome).

Better, cleaner water sources can reduce disease, improve school attendance and performance and have other positive long-term effects on health and development. They can also mitigate musculoskeletal injuries from transporting heavy loads of untreated water, enabling people to spend more time doing other productive work.